Post University Unit 6 Positive Psychotherapy Discussion Responses

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Janelle S

RE: DB 6.1 – PPT

Professor and Class-

The goal of Positive Psychotherapy is to enhance the scope of traditional psychotherapy with more powerful, motivating, and positive skills. Clients who are severely depressed need more than just “fixing” some feelings while in session. They must carry on a successful, fulfilling life when the therapy is over. Wedding & Corsini (2019) find that psychologically troubled clients desire more joy, satisfaction, zest, and courage in their lives, not simply less sadness, fear, anger, or boredom. They want lives that are imbued with purpose and meaning.

PPT can effectively treat many disorders; depression is currently the target. The symptoms of depression often involve a lack of positive emotion, lack of engagement, and lack of felt meaning. However, these are typically viewed as consequences, or mere correlates of depression.PPT can offer a new way to treat and prevent symptoms of depression. (the University of Pennsylvania, n.d)

According to Wedding & Corsini ( 2019), flourishing is a state characterized by positive emotions, a strong sense of personal meaning, good work, and positive relationships—which requires far more than simply relieving the symptoms of psychological distress. To flourish is to find fulfillment in our lives, accomplish meaningful and worthwhile tasks, and connect with others at a deeper level—in essence, living the “good life.” his writer feels an example to use in practice would be to ask the client to do something they enjoy, engage the people who make them feel fulfilled, and genuinely strive for a happy life. Be kind, do more positive things, practice journaling and surround yourself with good.

Strengths such as gratitude, hope, love, kindness, and curiosity help them understand how clients can be reasonable, sane, and high functioning. Just as some people have many negative emotions and are unhappy and show anger, some narcissistic traits, individuals who experience gratitude, forgiveness, humility, love, and kindness are more likely to report being happier and more satisfied with life. ( Wedding & Corsini, 2019) Gratitude has been conceptualized as an emotion, a virtue, a moral sentiment, a motive, a coping response, a skill, and an attitude. It is all of these and more. Minimally, gratitude is an emotional response to a gift. It is the appreciation felt after one has been the beneficiary of an altruistic act” (Emmons & Crumpler, 2000). Being truly grateful, thankful, and showing appreciation for the good in others can genuinely make us happier. An idea for a client could be taken each night, thinking over the day, jotting down things you were grateful for that day, and considering a gratitude journal.

CCsikszentmihalyi’s(1990) work on flow, which is the psychological state brought about by intense concentration that typically results in a lost sense of time while engaged in an activity and feeling “one with the music.” identify clients'” signature” strengths and then help them to find more opportunities to use these strengths. Doing something we genuinely enjoy and putting all our love and effort into that task is a feeling of flow. All in all, this makes us happier because we engage in something we love, whether it be a hobby, crafting, or playing music.

Full life entails happiness and life satisfaction and is much more than the sum of its components. However, these components are neither exclusive nor exhaustive, as put by Wedding & Corsiini (2019). During this phase of positive psychotherapy, the therapist and client discuss the gains they have endured and focus on positive emotions, engagement, and meaning. This writer would discuss with the client ways to keep this momentum going while considering their signature strengths to achieve this. (the University of Pennsylvania, n.d.)

Positive appraisal involves clients assessing their strengths and setting realistic goals relevant to their problems and well-being. This writer would remind the client that it is essential to appreciate yourself and your efforts and will remind them to think daily about what they achieved for good during that day and look in the mirror praising themselves. The therapist actively looks for opportunities to help clients deepen their understanding of how strengths can be used adaptively to handle a challenging situation. Recall that positive experience plays a vital role in mood regulation (Joormann, Dkane, & Gotlib, 2006). Such a recall allows individuals to savor these positive emotions (Bryant, Smith, & King, 2005).

The process of savoring is taking time to enjoy something at the moment. Rather than rushing through that moment. Such as taking a walk outdoors on lunch break. ). When it is over, write down what you did, how you did it differently, and how it felt compared to when you rushed through it. We can savor other moments in our life, such as remembering the past, something enjoyable, or even savoring what the future has in store for us.

Positive Psychotherapy – University of Pennsylvania. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (2019). Current psychotherapies (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Kim S

Dr. RE: DB 6.1 – PPT

Dr. Pieri and class:

Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is a beneficial path within the field of psychology, specifically positive psychology, that the idea is to broaden the traditional scope of psychology

There are several concepts behind the use of PPT. Those concepts include the emotions of flourishing, flow, full life, gratitude, positive appraisal, and savoring. Many therapists believe directly helping clients to get rid of their despair and gloom will make them happy. But it does not. Instead, many clients become empty when psychotherapy ends, and sometimes, long before it should. Symptoms may appear not to be present; however, shall return should the client not continue their path and guidance (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). According to Seligman (1998) all conceptions of positive psychology involve something to do with the “positive side of life” (Watkins, 2016, p. 5), The concepts mentioned are additional positive ways to encourage our clients and can show them how to keep their positive action to continue.

Flourishing begins when the client and therapist make a connection and are able, together, to find positive emotions and a keen sense of personal meaning, decent work, and positive relationships (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). Showing the client. This may take a few sessions before the client is able to trust and feel comfortable with the therapist. In this writer’s opinion, the therapist will begin to flourish the relationship in the very beginning by encouraging and pointing out the client’s fine points. As their relationship grows, they will learn more about the client’s positives instead of only negative aspects of their life.

When a client comes into the session for the first time, they may feel frightened, sad, excited, hopeful and many other feelings. Many do not know what to expect; however, wish to fix something in their life that is making them unhappy. The therapist should have a welcoming place for the client to meet. The client needs to know that whatever is said, is confidential and that they are in a safe place to express whatever it is they feel they wish to.

During the first session, which is the “getting to know each other” session. They discuss what each should expect in the coming sessions. Once they begin talking, the therapist will begin asking what brought them there. Should a client disclose that they are in a depression because they live alone, recently lost an important relationship due to a death. We, of course, would work on those issues; however, we would also talk about the positives in their life. The client is employed and has been for many years, has her education, is social with family and friends, active in her church, still has some interests. (Those have decreased since the passing) We would focus on how those things made them feel when they were doing them. Although difficult, the therapist would ask about the positive things in the relationship – good times. By bringing up those thoughts, it may be difficult; however, working through those thoughts and thinking about the pleasant memories. The therapist would encourage the client to keep looking forward to many other things we discussed. The therapist might give the client a challenge by asking for them to do one additional positive activity – one that has been enjoyed in the past – and make it a point to not only do the activity but feel the joy in it – remembering how it was. Have fun, laugh, meet with friends – anything that makes you not alone with your thoughts. There is plenty of time for thinking – act on your happiness. As we move through session after session, the therapist should see a change forming with the client. The therapist will continue to praise and require additional activities – giving her time to mourn if necessary – not too long. If necessary, take a time during the day to mourn; however, allow it to be light and positive. Recognizing how difficult all this is and praise how the client is doing. Encouraging more.

Psychologically troubled clients desire more joy, satisfaction, zest, and courage in their lives. They want more than their sadness, fear, anger, or boredom. They want to explore, express, and enhance their strengths and not just remediate their weaknesses and guard against their vulnerabilities (Watkins, 2016).


Watkins, P.C. (2016). Positive Psychology 101. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (2019). Current psychotherapies (11th ed.). Boston, MA:


Janelle S

RE: DB 6.2 – Case study: Mrs. Carson

Professor and Class-

Mrs. Carson shows feelings of worthlessness, suicide, depression, and irritability. She even has taken this out on her family in physical ways. She feels they are better off without her, so hurting them more will prove that to her, even if it is not how they feel. Seligman initially believed happiness was composed of three factors: positive emotions, engagement, and meaning. Then he thought and researched more and found that accomplishments (or the need for achievement) and relationships were also factors. From this, he formed the PERMA model. Mrs. Carson is diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder with depression and anxiety.

Adjustment disorders typically begin within three months of a stressful event and do not last longer than six months after the event and the consequences have stopped. Hence, the term adjustment, because one is taking time to adjust to a particular event. Some people can experience chronic adjustment disorder, which can last longer. Since Mrs. Carson has such negative thoughts and feelings, positive psychotherapy should be a great way to help her improve those thoughts and turn them around. In phase one of PPT, this writer would work on recognizing Mrs. Carson’s strengths and relationships with her family and feel grateful to have them in her life. (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). She explained she has been very irritable towards them and even acting out aggressively, so by recognizing how fortunate she is to have them still in her life, she will better be able to work on improving her relationships because she should realize how important they are to her and she to them, Wedding & Corsini (2019) state that in phase two clients apply their strengths and work on overcoming their negative thoughts. Mrs. Carson should then be able to utilize the strengths she experienced in phase one and take the coping mechanisms to reduce her stress and anxiety. During phase three, Mrs. Carson will focus on rebuilding positive relationships and strengthening relationships with her husband and children (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). She can do this by trusting them, knowing they are with her on this journey and need her in their lives. She can look for the positive traits in her family and set certain healthy boundaries for all of them. Having respect and love for one another and genuineness are all critical factors.

Symptom Media. (n.d.). Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood . Retrieved from

Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. J. (2018). Current Psychotherapies(11th ed.). Cengage Limited.

Rebecca D

RE: DB 6.2 – Case study: Mrs. Carson

Mrs. Carson is suffering from adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood (Symptom Media, n.d.). This is apparent by her presenting symptoms of irritability, depression with suicidal ideation, difficulty focusing, sleep disturbance, and excessive worry. She was also visibly anxious during her interview, as she was fidgety and seemed uncomfortable. Mrs. Carson discussed how she was recently passed over for a promotion due to her age, which is potentially the trigger of her presenting symptoms. She also described a potentially self-destructive coping mechanism by turning to alcohol to relax (Symptom Media, n.d.).

Positive psychotherapy (PPT) strategies that focus on one’s strengths and life fulfillment will help Mrs. Carson develop more joy, satisfaction, and contentment. PPT is effective for clients with adjustment disorder, depression, and anxiety, as treatment involves empowering clients to discover their strengths and to learn the necessary skills to cultivate positive emotions and strengthen interpersonal relationships (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). There are three phases of PPT. The first phase occurs in approximately three sessions where clients are encouraged to reflect upon experiences that brought out their best qualities, such as a challenge they successfully overcame or coped with (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). This exercise will begin shifting Mrs. Carson’s mindset to her strengths and abilities. From there, Mrs. Carson would focus on identifying her character strengths and developing a plan for integration of those character strengths in achieving her goals (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). Mrs. Carson may also benefit from beginning a daily gratitude journal, giving her the opportunity each day to focus on the positive aspects of her life, which has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression (Tan et al., 2021).

The second phase of PPT typically occurs in the fourth to eighth sessions (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). This phase focuses on helping clients adapt and apply their strengths to meet their situational challenges (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). Phase two also addresses the impact of distressing memories and trauma on their current perspective of their life and current behaviors (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). It is possible that Mrs. Carson has experienced trauma or other challenging situations that are impacting her present feelings of despair, frustration, and anxiety. During this phase, clients are helped to become more aware of the attention and resources they give to these memories and to learn how to use their strengths to refocus their time and energy on the positive events in their life (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). Though Mrs. Carson is understandably upset about not receiving her promotion, if she continues to dwell on this issue, her symptoms will persist. Helping her refocus her attention on the positive events in her life with her husband and children, she will begin to find more joy and satisfaction in her life.

The third phase of PPT occurs approximately within the eighth to fourteenth sessions (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). Phase three focuses on finding hope, optimism, and altruism, understanding that challenges will happen but that there will also always be a way of overcoming them and that they can attain their goals (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). This phase also focuses on seeing the strengths in others, especially their loved ones (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). Mrs. Carson stated that she has been especially short-tempered with her family. This phase will help her focus on the strengths of her husband and children, allowing her perspective to shift to the positive qualities of her family, fostering love, forgiveness, and understanding (Rashid, 2015). Another key experience of the third phase that Mrs. Carson will benefit from is the positive legacy, during which clients write about how they want to be remembered and what positive footprints they would like to leave after they are gone (Rashid & Seligman, 2019). This can be a beneficial experience for individuals facing the limitations of their own mortality (Tan 2021), as Mrs. Carson’s struggle with her age and mortality is likely contributing to her current condition. Helping Mrs. Carson focus on the positive aspects of being in her 70s and how she can leave behind a positive legacy will help her develop more fulfillment and satisfaction in her life.


Rashid, R. (2015). Positive psychotherapy: A strengths-based approach. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(1), 25-40.

Rashid, T., & Seligman, M. (2019). Positive psychotherapy. In D. Wedding & R. J. Corsini (Eds.), Current psychotherapies (11th ed., pp. 481-526). Cengage.

Symptom Media. (n.d.). Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood [Video].

Tan, T. T., Tan, M. P., Lam, C. L., Loh, E. C., Capelle, D. P., Zainuddin, S. I., …Tan, S. B. (2021). Mindful gratitude journaling: Psychological distress, quality of life and suffering in advanced cancer: A randomized controlled trial. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021 Jul 08.

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