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Using the knowledge you gained from the readings, evaluate how a typical drug, when orally administered, may be handled differently by these two patients:

Ms. Jones is a 30-year-old female personal trainer that is 5’ 4” tall weighing 110lbs. She regularly drinks socially and sometimes more than a bit when she meets with her bi-weekly book club.

Mr. Smith is a 65-year-old software tester who is 6’ tall and weighs 235lbs. He drinks only occasionally.

Assume no other significant medical history or issues with either patient. In your analysis, compare how the two patients will metabolize the drug considering weight, gender, distribution of body water and body fat, age, metabolic state, and alcohol use. Explain how these factors impact the pharmacokinetics of the drug (half-life, dosage, route of administration, and elimination of the drug). Evaluate the impact on the risk-benefits analysis of the use of this drug.

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