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Writer should be based In the US or ready to Create account Using a Phone number registered in the US

The topic in brief:  THREE TYPES OF EHR’S
Type of Service Coursework
Urgency 12 to 24 hours

No. of Pages/Wordcount

3 page(s)/Approx 825 Words

Citation Style APA Style

Detailed Description/Explanation

Login to Practice Fusion, the free Internet based EHR

Log into and create an account as a student user

Click on the help tab at the top and go to the meaningful use (mu) center and explore the resources available to help practices meet mu

Explore the dashboard page too and see all the resources available including the templates available for clinicians & check out the specialties too

Develop a table that critques three types of EHR’s to include the following:
Names of systems

Advantages and disadvantages
HITECH standards
How it protects patient privacy
How it improves efficiency
What settings they are best used in
Write a 500 word analysis on the stages of meaningful use and how it is implemented in your place of practice.
Include a title, conclusion and reference page. The assignment should have a minimum of two scholarly sources.

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