Literary Elements 2

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Re-examine the quotation that you chose to demonstrate theme in “Youth in Asia” by David Sedaris (Note: Refer back to activity 6.2). For your reference, the resources are provided again below. “Youth in Asia” essay by David Sedaris “Youth in Asia” audio reading by David Sedaris. The reading is Act I of the episode called “In Dog We Trust” from the This American Life website. Click on the red title “The Youth in Asia.” Write your own sentence in which you state that theme in your own words. Check your work based on the following questions: Is the theme an observation about a particular human characteristic (not only about the characters)? Is the theme a recommendation about how to live one’s life?  Choose one other element from the essay, such as character. Think about how that one element relates to the theme that you just wrote.  Write two paragraphs in which you examine how your one chosen element relates to the theme. Ask the question: Does the element I chose support the theme or contrast the theme? Post your paragraph to the discussion board by clicking on the title of this activity or through the Discussion Board main menu button on the left

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