What sort of resistance would you expect from employees?

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Please review the attached article “My Unfashionable Legacy” by Ralph sink and view the link:

https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/1798664?rel=0 and answer the below questions:

1.  Suppose you wanted to change your organization’s culture.  What sort of resistance would you expect from employees?  How would you deal with this resistance? To what extent is culture manageable? Changeable?

2.  Moving from cultural change (Question 1) to general change, answer the following questions. Can organizations stop resistance to change? If so, how? Does organizational culture have a role in significant change? Explain the interaction between culture and change?

3.  At the end of Chapter 15, the second cautionary not suggests that a dysfunctional personality manifested by a Chief Executive may create the same dysfunctional culture for the organization. Thinking about any organization in your past, have you seen evidence that a key leader has been partially responsible for one or more of the listed dysfunctional symptoms? Or conversely, have you see a CEO who has been responsible for the symptoms of a strong and functional culture? Did this influence come through artifacts, values, or assumptions and/or through any of the five leader roles identified by Edgar Schein? Explain in detail.


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