Child Observation

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For this assignment, you will separately observe two children and make comparisons between their physical motor skills.

Child #1 must be between the ages of 8 – 13 months

Child #2 must be between the ages of 24 – 30 months

The children you observe may be those of relatives, neighbors, friends or they may be children in child care facilities.You will usually get a better and more objective observation, however, if you do not know the children.Do not try to observe the children together! It will be easier to do one at a time. The observations may be done at different sites.

Note:if you do not know parents of children these ages, then call a child care facility in your area. Tell the director that you are an ECE student and you are required to do an observation of an infant and a toddler.Ask if you may observe children at that site.Print off this assignment sheet and take it with you.If you need further suggestions of child care locations, let me know.

Watch, observe and play with each child for approximately 20 – 30 minutes.As you are observing and interacting with each child, take notes of the child’s physical motor skills.Briefly record each type of physical motor skill you observe.For instance, a ten-month old might hold a small toy in one hand and offer it to me.A 26 month old might jump up and down on both feet.You should observe many different fine and gross motor movements.After you have observed and interacted with each child, write your report following the instructions below.

Your report must include the following:

1. A list of gross motor skills you observed for child #1 and a list of gross motor skills you observed for child #2

2.A list of fine motor skills you observed for child #1 and a list of fine motor skills you observed for child #2

3.In one paragraph compare the number and quality of gross motor skills and movements between the two children.

4.In one paragraph compare the number and quality of fine motor skills and movements between the two children.

Briefly summarize the progression of physical motor skills you observed.

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