Health Promotion for Multicultural Populations

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Consider this scenario: (The scenario could have considered any population located within any community, work site, school, or health care program setting.)

Mortality and morbidity from health-related causes have been increasing for the past several years among several population groups living in a large multicultural metropolitan community. The local health jurisdiction, private providers, voluntary agencies, and community members are very concerned and want to reduce the number of deaths and illnesses drastically. Local government officials recognize that increased screening, referral, and treatment programs are critically needed for identifying problems. Limited monies are available for providing health promotion and education programs to selected multicultural target groups.

Select a specific target group in a specific geographical area in your county as a frame of reference to work from. 

How would you involve those affected by the problem?

· How would you identify opportunities for Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) in health promotion program planning?

· How would you assess community capacity as relevant to the program planning effort?

· Describe the dynamic relationship between program planning, evaluation, and implementation.

· How would you assess the needs of the community or target populations?

· How would you diagnose and prioritize health-related concerns (problems and needs) in the community?

· How would you assess the specific health promotion and education needs of the target group (i.e., targeted assessment)?

· How would you use and apply your knowledge about the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors to assist with your planning team identify the target group and select possible program intervention activities?

· What levels of change would be sought in your program?

· What specific health promotion and education program goals and objectives would be included in your hierarchy?

· What factors would you consider relevant to identifying health promotion program intervention activities that would consider the special needs of the target group, the health problem, and setting?

· What levels of evaluation (i.e., impact, outcome, process, and formative) would you use for assessing your previously stated program objectives?


PHE4015—2pgs *NO plagiarism NO copy / paste* Answer all questions and include references*PLS stay on topic

Nutrition and Health

Create a profile of the nutrition habits of two countries.

On the basis of your research, create a 2-page report that answers the following questions:

· What are the main sources of food for these countries? What are gaps in nutrition for these countries?

· How do social, political and cultural factors affect access to adequate nutrition in each country?

· Are there groups within the populations of each country that are affected at greater rates? Who are they? Why do you think this is?

· Does this affect other health issues in each country? How?

Be sure to support your points for each of the components in parentheses with data from the program and outside research.

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