The Perception Process

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COMM 1004C Week 2 Application Worksheet

The Perception Process

Directions: Download this worksheet to your computer and save itusing this submission title: “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.doc”. The file name identifies you and indicates to your Instructor that your worksheet is available to grade. Please fill in the answers in the boxes provided by TYPING in your answers. If you need more space than is provided, the box will expand as you write. Do not write your answers in a separate document because your Instructor will use the rubric after each question to grade that section of this worksheet. You may use the rubrics as a guide to make sure you completed each question correctly.

Please use chapter 2 of our Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies textbook, the Tedx Talk The Science of Stereotypes by Jason Keith and the YouTube video Threats of Stereotypes to answer the following questions:

Question 1

As you have read this week in Section 2.1 of the Communication in the Real World book, the perception process happens fast! In the moment it can seem almost instantly.  We know now though, that we can break the process down into steps.  

Name the 3 steps of the perception process. Provide an example of each step and explain how your example fits the definitions of the steps.

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Question 2


The two videos showed us how our perceptions can be dangerous.  Stereotypes can be innocent, such as all birds can fly as all birds have wings, but not all can fly. Other times stereotypes can be very harmful to our relationships with those in our lives.

In your own words, explain why stereotypes can be a problem.  Provide an original example of a problematic stereotype.

Insert your answer below. If you need more space, the box will automatically expand as you hit Enter.

Question 3

There are many things around us that influence our perceptions.  Section 2.2 of the Communication in the Real World book you should have a good idea of things that influence your own perceptions.

List 4 things from Section 2.2 that can influence our perception.Provide an example of it from your own life.

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Question 4

The good news is that as most things in communication can be learned, we can improve our perception as well.  Section 2.4 of the Communication in the Real World book, talks about this.  

Describe the way or ways you believe you need to most improve how you perceive others.  Explain what you can do to change these perceptions.

Insert your answer below. If you need more space, the box will automatically expand as you hit Enter.

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