Insanity or Not Domestic Violence Crime

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Lacey is involved in a violent marriage for five years. One night, after her husband pushes her down the stairwell and proceeds to continuously beat her, Lacey shoots him. She calls 911, reports the crime, and asks for an ambulance. At the hospital, a detective interviews her and notes that she appears to be quite calm when explaining what happened. Lacey admits to killing her husband but claims that it was a cycle of abuse and that she was scared for her life. The detective charges Lacey with murder in the first degree.

  • If you were Lacey’s defense attorney, what defenses would you use?
  • Review the law on insanity in your state. Based upon the laws of your state, can she use an insanity defense? In your reply posts, compare and contrast the law in your state with the laws your classmates discuss.

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