Introduction to Sociology writing homework help

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Articles on Race


1. Why are individual lawsuits not effective at creating lasting change for equality in the workplace?

2. What do the most effective programs for increasing the hiring of racial minorities and women 



What is the “model minority” stereotype, and why is it problematic?

Why do some people say that “Asians” are “becoming white”? Why does Zhou say that is untrue?


What types of evidence show that employment discrimination is still common in America?

What are the best strategies for combating employment discrimination?

Readings on Social Change


What elements of the American voting process are ritualized?

How do you think we could successfully improve the number of people who vote?


What are “mercenaries”? How have they been used historically, and how are they being 

used today?

What are some of the political and social implications of depending heavily on 

contractors to fight wars?


What do these commentators see as the social significance of Barack Obama’s 

campaign for president?

What changes does Obama’s campaign (and election) as president represent for the 

social significance of race in America?


What is community organizing?

How does community organizing contribute to democracy?

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