Job Announcement (Please make sure to read all instructions)

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Your group will act as Judy Jakes, Human Resources Director at Biotech Health and Life Products (Biotech). You have received an email from the Vice-President with the specifications for a job announcement for the new leaders at the company.

You will create a job announcement that will be placed on by incorporating the memorandum details from each group member’s memo from week 1 along with what you have learned about leadership styles and characteristics.

The announcement will draw from the readings from week 1 and week 2 and the Biotech Company Profile. The group should seek to comply with the requirements of the Indeed website and readings from weeks 1 and 2. The job announcement should reflect the following:

  • Define the term ‘leader’ that fits Biotech;
  • Identify the characteristics the leader will possess to accomplish Biotech’s vision;
  • Identify the leadership style(s) that is encouraged by Biotech’s definition.

In a separate document, provide a two-page explanation of:

  • How and why the job announcement reflects the themes and specific readings from week 1 and week 2.
  • The reasoning for the choice of language. Be specific!
  • Make sure this document provides support for the reasoning and conclusions and contains in-text citations and associated references in a reference list.

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