Personal Statement Questions

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Please discuss the following items in the order given. Briefly respond to all areas listed.

– What distinctive aspects of LLU School of Pharmacy are significant to you?

-Do you fellowship regularly with a church or religious group? (Yes) If Yes,

a)With which church or religious group do you most closely identify? (St Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church in San Diego, California)

b) Describe your relationship with that church or religious group. (Attend mass every Sunday)

c) If a member of a church, please provide the name of your pastor (or other clergy). (Leave space for it, I will type in the name)

-Discuss how your spiritual experience has influenced your daily life and been integrated into your choice of Pharmacy as a career.

– Loma Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution that has lifestyle expectations that include abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs/substances in all forms.

a) If accepted to LLU School of Pharmacy, are you willing to abide by the lifestyle policies of Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy specifically as related to the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs/substances?

b) If you have a personal history that includes the use of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs/substances, please explain.

– Do you currently contribute to a charitable organization (contributing financially or by volunteering) such as a church, academic institution or foundation? ( Volunteer Position as a teacher assistance, worked with kids learning the Arabic language as a second language at St Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church )

If so, please describe what has motivated you to contribute.

The following link will help you overlook the school’s values:

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