Persuasion Media Campaign – Week 3 Project

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I need a media strategy plan for the instructions below which is only the first required piece. I have the piece already for the second part. I am attaching an example of one that the instructor gave the class. I also have attached my video that I will be submitting for the Second required piece, for your reference for the media strategy plan.

Week 3 Project Video

FIRST REQUIRED PIECE – Media Strategy Plan

1. Create a Media Strategy Plan

Before you dive into producing the media for your campaign, you must strategically plan your design in a way that showcases that you can accurately implement the material covered during this course.

The sole purpose of this piece, is to show the specific connection between your design choices and the course concepts you are modeling.

To do this, you will submit a completely separate document that accurately defines and describes:

  • WHAT course strategies/techniques you will be using in your Persuasion Campaign.

You Must include a wide variety of the course concepts by pulling strategies from:

  • Brain-Based element course materials
  • Cialdini’s Influence/Persuasion technique materials
  • Effective Headline materials
  • Call to Action materials
  • Motivation materials

The more you include, the higher the Content grade.

  • HOW you used them

This must detail how you specifically incorporated your chosen strategies

  • WHY you chose them or why your ideas will be effective

2. Include Outside research

This will be included throughout the Media Plan to add the credibility factor in supporting your strategic choices. Bringing in outside research is a great way to fulfill “why” your ideas will be effective

3. List Media Asset Resources for any/all visuals or other media assets included

At the bottom of your Media Strategy Plan, you will clarify that all your media assets are either self-created and/or pulled from copyright compliant sources. Either list your own name or if you pulled from outside copyright compliant sources, provide proper attribution to those sources.

Please remember, copyright compliant means that you found sources stating that you have permission to use their work or you contacted the original creator and was provided permission. Anything without permission is breaking copyright law.

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