Response to Shonna Andrews DQ2

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The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV virus continues to be a global health issue that affects not only people in the United States, but international health communities, as well. Approximately 40 Million people were living with HIV in 2017, with nearly 2 Million new onsets that year.

The African Region is the largest area of those infected with HIV. Approximately 25.7 Million people in the African Region had the HIV Virus and accounted for over two-thirds of the total of new HIV infections.

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There are key areas and populations that are at an increased risk of HIV. These include: men who have same sex relationships, drug use with needles, people in closed settings such as prisons, prostitutes and their clients, and those of transgender. These populations also tend to have legal problems and social issues due to their behaviors that increase their risk for HIV. They also tend to have less access to testing and treatment programs, therefore, the virus continues to spread.

The ultimate goal for the Health care delivery system is to prevent HIV globally, but right now, it is to test patients for HIV, then quickly link the people with HIV to care and help them to stay in care in order to prevent the spread of the virus (CDC, 2019). A new Global Health Sector Strategy on HIV was endorsed for 2016-2021 and it includes 5 strategic directions that guide priority actions by countries and by WHO over the next 6 years. This defines the strategic plan on fighting the HIV epidemic as a whole (WHO, 2018).


CDC. (2019, March 18). Ending the HIV Epidemic. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

WHO. (2018, July 19). HIV/AIDS. Retrieved from World Health Organization:…

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