Self-Introduction Speech, writing homework help

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This is your first opportunity in this class to stand before an audience and deliver a speech. The self-introduction speech was chosen for your first speech because it should be easier than other speeches. 

  • First, you know the subject since the subject is you.
  • Second, the speech can be organized very easily using the outlines provided.
  • Third, the speech can be short. The time limit for this first speech is 2 to 4 minutes.
  • There are the critical areas that you will need to be aware of as you stand before your audience and deliver your speech. Under the first heading of the speech critique, Initial Impression, initial eye contact is called for and a confident demeanor is expected. What if you don’t feel confident in this first speech situation?

    Fake it!
    Public speaking is a performance. You as a public speaker are a performer. You act the part of the public speaker. It is one of your roles in life. So, act confident and your audience will think that you are confident even if you feel anxious about your public speaking role. We will discuss introductions and conclusions in detail later in the course.

  • Although both preparation and delivery are of great importance, please remember that the bulk of your grade will come from the preparation and content of your speech.

    Please note: If you do not actually deliver your speech aloud and record it, you will receive no credit at all for this assignment. By definition, a speech is not a speech until it is delivered aloud in front of an audience. There is no partial credit for completing only the written research and outlining portions of this assignment.

    The delivery portion of your speech (30%) will be based on the evaluation form. I will be answering the following questions as I critique the preparation (70%) of your speeches:

    Quality of the preparation outline: (20 points)

    1. Does it include the general and specific purposes and central idea?
    2. Are the Introductions and Conclusions fully developed?
    3. Is the outline of the body of the speech complete, logical, and understandable?
    4. Do the major points support the central idea?
    5. Is each major point supported with subpoints?
    6. Are transitions included?
    7. Was it attached as an .rtf (rich text format) document?
    8. If applicable, are the sources properly listed (MLA format)?
    9. Is an adequate amount of research evident?

    Delivery outline on note cards: (10 points)

    1. Does the speaker have note cards?
    2. Is the preparation outline reduced to a delivery outline on the note cards?
    3. Are the note cards sequentially numbered?

    Introduction: (10 points)

    1. Was it effective?
    2. Does the introduction establish the speaker’s credibility and prepare the audience for the topic?
    3. Did the introduction lead into the speech?

    Conclusion: (10 points)

    1. Did the conclusion summarize the main points of the speech?
    2. Did the conclusion end with a clincher?

    Effectiveness: (10 points)

    1. Was the speech effective?
    2. Was the speech interesting?
    3. Was the speech topic challenging?
    4. Did the speaker show evidence of adequate rehearsal?

    Length: (10 points)

    1. Did the speech conform to length requirements?
    2. Was the speech topic appropriate for the time limit?

  • We will discuss the Preparation Outline in more detail as you prepare for the Demonstration Speech.

    When you have completed your Preparation Outline, select the Self Introduction Outline template link below.

    Here are some requirements for a proper outline. First, it must have the following: the General Purpose, the Specific Purpose and the Central Idea.

    General Purpose: I believe the speech maker must know what he or she is planning to accomplish with a speech as the speech is being developed or the speaker will not be able to achieve his or her purpose. For the self-introduction speech, for example, the General Purpose is to Inform. You will inform your audience about yourself.

    Specific Purpose: The Specific Purpose has a particular way it is usually written. For your self-introduction speech, the Specific Purpose might be the following: “At the end of my speech the audience will know my name and will know that I am smart, handsome and fun to be around.” The Specific Purpose may not be included in the speech as it is delivered, but it will be the guide the speech maker uses while the speech is being developed and will become the test to see if the speech has fulfilled its purpose. When the first draft of the speech outline is completed, the speech maker will ask himself or herself if the Specific Objective is likely to be accomplished by the speech. If not, more work must be done.

    Central Idea: The Central Idea is the speech reduced down to one or two sentences. It helps the speech maker determine if the subject of the speech is clear in his or her mind. The Central Idea for the self-introduction speech might be “I am smart, I am handsome and I am fun to be around.” A Central Idea phrased this way becomes an outline for your speech. As we reach the later speeches in the course, the Preparation Outline will become more lengthy and will include such things as citations of sources. All of this will be covered in future lessons.

    Your Self-Introduction Speech should begin with an interesting attention device, followed by your name and a preview of three qualities you believe that you possess. Work to make it interesting. The first words out of your mouth should never be “Hi, I’m so and so and I’m here to tell you x.” Instead, try to start with something interesting. The body of your speech should discuss examples of how you display them. Finally, your conclusion would include a recap of three traits that you possess, followed by a clincher (a memorable ending). Here again, it is important for you to make the conclusion as strong as possible. Don’t ever end with “That’s it.”

    When preparing your speech, consider the following questions: What qualities do you possess? Are you shy? (Shyness is a problem most students in Public Speaking classes can identify with.) Are you friendly? Helpful? Unique? Enthusiastic? Intelligent? Versatile? Reserved? Silly? Eccentric? Dominant? Old-fashioned? Superstitious? Rude? A bookworm? An athlete? An avid reader? A stamp collector? Are you stubborn? Hardworking? Lazy? Forgetful? Confused? Popular? A trend setter? A fashion expert?

  • Use this Self Introduction Speech Outline template to serve as the format for your speech outline. Use the Note Card Template to create note cards for your presentation. You will submit the note cards along with your outline to receive credit.


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