complete 3 business discussions

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Jaw-Dropping Moment

Have you ever attended a meeting or speech where you dozed off because you were bored?

Why did you get bored (Was the speaker monotone? Did the speech run on too long? Was the content dry? Another reason?)

Have you ever experienced a “Jaw Dropping Moment” (see Ch. 5, Talk Like Ted)? Why was it a “Jaw Dropping Moment?”

In Week 9, you will have a presentation to complete. What are 1-2 things you can do to deliver a “Jaw-Dropping Moment” in your presentation?


Part 1: Post a Response

Leadership is the ability to influence others to achieve organizational goals. Organizations spend billions of dollars each year to improve the leadership skills of its employees. Leadership skills are needed within organizations to execute the vision, mission and strategic goals of the organization.

Visit the mind tools website and complete the short Leadership Skills exercise ( After you explore your strengths and areas for growth, address the following items in your response:

  • What are your strengths?
  • Where do you have opportunities to grow your leadership skills?
  • Based on your assessment results, propose three things you can do to improve your leadership skills


Employee Development” Please respond to the following:

  • Propose three ways that a mentor and a new employee orientation can assist employees with their career development.
  • Evaluate the following criteria, in order of importance to you, in regard to the workplace: material wealth, success, career satisfaction, and work-life. Determine whether or not you believe there is a way to balance them. Provide two suggestions on how this could be done. Support your position.

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