paper on text book this is how you lose her junot diaz

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while this assignment is a creative reflection that asks you to redefine the boundaries of literary analysis , do not Iose sight of the text itself as you whrite this paper. As you will notice, each title is followed by the same sub-title, which means concrete analysis of Diaz’s novel is essential. That is, reference to specific scenes, inclusion of relevant textual detail, and use of quotes are mandatory

Pick one only
a) The hitch-hiker’s guide to belonging: a response toJunot Diaz’s This is how you lose her

b) what I would have done differently: a response to Junot Diaz’s This is how you lose her

c) The role of shifting perspectives in Junot Diaz’s This is how you lose her

d) MY own personal guide to cheating: a response to Junot Diaz’s This is how you lose her

There is more requirement that I will send on attachment .

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