Assignment 1: Interpret Statistics and Prepare a White Paper on Three Technology Trends

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     Due October 24 at 11:59 PM

    For this assignment, you are required to peruse the Statista database, available from the NCU Library. This database “provides access to statistical data for over 60,000 diverse topics categorized into over 20 market sectors. Sources of data include market research, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Also includes statistics glossary, infographics, key topics, industry reports, statistical dossiers, and more” (NCU Library, n.d.).

    Select an industry from the Statista industry overview page, preferably one with which you are personally familiar because it will make it easier for you to relate to the data. Scroll down to the “popular statistics” and “more interesting topics” sections for that industry, and select a total of three technology topics from either or both sections. Peruse available statistics on each topic and note key figures and data. You may conduct additional research on these topics, using NCU’s Library search function.

    Prepare a white paper for leaders in your case industry on technology adoption of the three chosen ones from the Statista database. A white paper is used to convince readers—usually business managers and professionals—to adopt certain solutions to a specific problem or to assume certain positions on a given issue. White papers are popular among consulting firms because they help sell products and services and showcase the firm’s expertise. White papers are often available through the firm’s website but often, you must sign up with your contact information to receive the full report.

    Your white paper should cover:

    • Introduction to the industry with key predictions for the next 5-10 years that involve technology use and adoption
    • Detailed coverage of each of the three technologies, with definitions, explanations of applications, examples/cases, financial predictions and statistics, and adoption barriers and mitigation strategies
    • Your recommendations for other technology trends to watch in the industry, based on global competition

    You may include figures and charts, but they cannot be copied and pasted directly from the Statista database (because that would require you to obtain permission to reproduce), so you must create your own versions. Remember to give credit to the original source. Say below the figure: “Adapted from <source, year>”

    Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

    References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

    Your white paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

    Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

  • Well done! You have completed the assignment
     Due October 24 at 11:59 PM

    Identify a technology expert in your company or another organization with which you are familiar. This person should be knowledgeable about the company’s overall use of technology and strategy. To maintain confidentiality and protect identities, there is no need to share the name of the expert or the company in your paper. However, please note the industry and size of the company in your introduction to offer context for your analysis and share the position held by the expert.

    Interview the expert in person or on the phone or via video chat about the company’s plans to adopt one of the trending technologies identified by Gartner Group (per Cearley, 2019) or another emerging technology relevant to the industry or business that you found by perusing NCU’s Statista database in assignment 1.

    According to Cearley (2019, p. 2), the most important technology trends in business include:

    Intelligent technologies Digital technologies Mesh technologies
    Autonomous things Digital twins Blockchain
    Augmented analytics Empowered edge Smart spaces
    AI-driven development Immersive technologies
    Digital ethics and privacy
    Quantum computing

    Ask the expert about the following:

    • The company’s technology strategy and how this new technology aligns with that strategy.
    • The company’s expectations for how the new technology will help improve their business (new markets, more efficient communication, better sales support, etc.).
    • The company’s plan for measuring success from the implementation of the technology.
    • The risks associated with the new technology and how the company plans to mitigate those risks.

    Write a three-part paper, in which you:

    1. Summarize the interview and the responses you received from the expert.
    2. Apply the diffusion of innovation framework.
    3. Critique the framework.  Be sure to include the following in your response:

    Part 1: Interview summary and analysis

    • Summarize key points from interview.
    • Do you agree with the expert’s analysis and why/why not?
    • What additional considerations about the discussed technology might you bring up to company leaders if you were in charge, based on industry trends?
    • Which additional trending technologies may this company consider in the near future, and why?

    Part 2: Apply diffusion of innovation framework

      • Using the table from the Week 5 lecture with organizational categories of technology adoption, determine which category the company belongs to and speculate on why this may be the case? You should consider the industry and type of business involved and explain the role technology plays in that industry when you determine the category.

    Part 3: Critique the diffusion of innovation framework

      • Finish your paper by discussing how the diffusion of innovation framework may be improved to more accurately reflect technology adoption in your case industry. For example, companies may adopt certain technologies faster than others, based on their core business areas.

    Attach your interview questions and notes from the interview to the paper.

    Length: 5-7 pages, not counting interview questions and notes, and not including title and reference pages

    References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

    Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

    Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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