home work Argument Annotated Bibliography

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WK 5: Position Argument Essay Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography is a curated list of sources to build research. It includes a brief summary of each source and your own evaluation of its currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose (CRAAP). It is a tool that helps you keep an organized and thoughtful record of the research process and relevant information about the topic. You will put together an annotated bibliography of six sources in preparation for the Position Argument Essay. See samples in EW p. 318-329. Include: – Two mainstream and accredited news/magazine articles, – Two scholarly/academic “peer reviewed” article, – One legitimate web-based multimedia or blog-style article. – One book (print or electronic) from a reputable author/source. Your annotated bibliography paragraphs must contain a topic sentence, clear evidence from the reading, and coherent sentences on a topic. It will use transitions affectively to cohere the overall piece together. Each entry in the annotated bibliography must provide the complete citation information for the source in MLA or APA format followed by a paragraph that includes 1) a summary of the source, 2) your critical assessment of the source, and 3) how you will use the source in your assignment. We will workshop annotated bibliographies in class and you will have an opportunity to improve your assignment before submission. Submit your statement as date specified in the syllabus

make sure you read the question carefully and follow what you have to do the topic about

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Content & evidence

annotated bibliographies. It lays out the aspects of the topic well, evaluates the sources effectively, and/or lays out how it will be used in the argument.

information literacy:

Citation is correct. It also provides specific

evaluations about the appropriateness of the medium and the information for academic research.


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